You’re expected to take your yearbook photo today and you suddenly wake up with a huge zit.
On your nose.

Before you scream and shout, panic and anger forcing you to throw your iPhone out the window, there’s something very easy you can do. And it takes only a few seconds.
By now, you know concealer is your very best friend. And you’ve already read up on how you should find one in your perfect shade by visiting any beauty store and having a professional find one for you. So because you’re already prepared for extreme emergencies like this, you can take a deep sigh of relief and chill.
SEE ALSO: You’ve been moisturizing all wrong
Pimples are Mother Nature’s way of telling you that yes, even you, aren’t perfect. They come from a variety of reasons. One, being that your pores are clogged from dirt, oil, or dead skin cells. Another being that it came in contact with an irritant or some bacteria made its way into your skin. It’s important then, to exfoliate and to also use face wash at least once every day (preferably at night so you can detox from the day).
Though zits and pimples are annoyances most will go through until their early adulthood (or beyond!), you’ll have to deal and make the most of it.
To get through your day without your pimple being so noticeable, we sought the advice of Sierra Min, a NYC-based makeup artist who’s worked with the likes of Young Thug, New York magazine, Fader and CR Fashion Book.
What you’ll need:
- A good concealer
- A makeup brush or your finger
- Soft cotton pad
- Salicylic acid, benzoyl peroxide or baking soda
- Breathe. Put down your iPhone. Woo-sah!
- Avoid exfoliators. Wash your face with something mild like Cetaphil, instead. It won’t strip your face of your natural oils. “Chunky, granule exfoliators can spread bacteria and be too harsh,” Sierra says.
- Use a home remedy. If you don’t have benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid on hand, Sierra suggests baking powder. “Using a mix of baking soda, an anti-inflammatory, and water is a great way to refresh the skin and as a spot treatment.”
- Keep it clean. Take a cotton pad, put some salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide on it and dap it on. Burt’s Bees Spot Treatment.
is a good over-the-counter brand. Neutrogena Acne Spot Gel
is solid as well.

- Get that concealer. Sierra suggests a less creamy concealer from Laura Mercier
. If you have a brush, cool, if not, use your finger.
- Be light as a feather. “”If you must conceal, be gentle and light handed,” Sierra says. “You want the outcome to look as close to real skin as possible.” She suggests continuing the application in thin layers until you have coverage you’re good with.
- Do a selfie check. Look in the mirror or your phone to ensure all is blended. “Make sure the concealer color perfectly matches your skin tone,” she says. “Anything too light or dark will draw attention to the zit. “
Now go on with your day, and kill it at your photoshoot. Slay.

Hair by Joseph Carrillo; Makeup by Brittan White; Styling by David Yi; Photos by Carolyne Teston; Produced by Elizabeth Denton; Special thanks to Donna Kang and Team Timo WeilandHair by Joseph Carrillo; Makeup by Brittan White; Styling by David Yi; Photos by Carolyne Teston; Produced by Elizabeth Denton; Special thanks to Donna Kang and Team Timo Weiland