LOS ANGELES – While Call Me By Your Name didn’t win Best Picture (I personally feel attacked) the cast did have heads turning on Sunday’s Oscars red carpet.

SEE ALSO: How to look alive when you’re completely dead
There was screenwriter James Ivory who won Best Adapted Screenplay (and oldest ever recipient at 89!) with his seriously cute white shirt with Timothee Chalamet’s face painted on it. Timothee, too, won in our hearts for best dressed with his ivory on ivory on ivory suit and sleek, black boots. But someone we have to give props to is Elio’s boo, Oliver. That’s right, Armie Hammer – all 6’5″ of him – looked really really good for having been absolutely sick last night.
The 31-year old actor apparently had the stomach flu and just a day before was hooked up to an IV. To ease his body, he even received a chest fascia scraping treatment, a Chinese technique called Gua Sha. Fascia, the tissue surrounding muscles and organs, sometimes tenses up in pain and the technique is said to improve circulation to relieve that. Though not feeling his best, it is the Oscars, aka the biggest day in any actor’s life. Meaning, you suck it up and make your way even if you’re limping.
To fake looking 100%, Armie enlisted the help of celebrity groomer, KC Fee, who works on other guys like This is Us star, Milo Ventimiglia. The look was pretty straightforward. As KC will tell it, it’s all about being “simple, utilitarian, easy to navigate, masculine and cool.”
Here’s what she did to instantly make Armie look alive on last night’s reed carpet and what you can do, too.
1 Tone up.
After cleansing the skin, KC recommends toning. But instead of dabbing onto your hands or a cotton pad, putting it inside a spray bottle to mimic a luxurious spa treatment. Toners help calm skin, soothes it while also balancing out oil and pH balance. This is very important before moisturizing, of course, as it softens the skin and allows your cream to do its job much better.
2 Caffeinate it.
It’s no secret that caffeine is more than just an ingredient that gives you that morning jolt. As a beauty product, it reduces puffiness and dark circles. KC used an under eye cream with caffeine included to instantly make the eyes come alive.
3 Mix and match.
To get that hydrated look while also adding some color, KC used Baxter of California’s Super Shape Skin Recharge Cream. The product is a gel-like texture that goes on matte and absorbs to hydrate dry skin. For Armie, she added just a small drop of bronzing gel (a little goes a long way!) to add a bit of color for the cameras. You simply rub the gel with the moisturizer to get that perfect, sun-kissed look, especially great for the pale complexion you get from something like Armie’s stomach flu.
4 In the thick of it.
A trick to getting a thicker head of hair. Try a clay spray. Baxter’s own Clay Effect Styling Spray is basically a clay pomade in liquid form – pretty cool. KC used the product, which she says is like “beach spray for men” to add thickness, control frizz while getting that matte, gritty, lived-in work. It’s great for hold, she says, while looking natural. Afterwards, add some pomade to mold and define the hair and keep it in place all night.
5 Smack them lips.
Finally, one of the most visible and obvious signs of being sick are dry, cracked lips. KC says that even when Armie isn’t sick, he typically has dry lips. To help with this, she makes sure he hates a lip salve with him onto the red carpet with any deep hydrating properties like shea butter or jojoba oil. This locks in moisture and prevents further chapping.