Labor Day is the worst of holidays.
Like, WTF are you supposed to do exactly?
For this very sad reason, I actually just Googled now the entire meaning of Labor Day. According to my search:
Labor Day, the first Monday in September, is a creation of the labor movement and is dedicated to the social and economic achievements of American workers. It constitutes a yearly national tribute to the contributions workers have made to the strength, prosperity, and well-being of our country.
SEE ALSO: I lived like Winnie the Pooh for a week
That’s chill. I’m all about celebrating the labor movement and people who have made strides in this economy. BUT STILL, WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO BE DOING TODAY?
Too early for the holiday season, too late in the year to take a vacation abroad, too hot for staying out but too cool for most beaches, it’s that one day where you’re just stuck scratching your balls doing basically nothing indoors. Like, are there fireworks to see a la Independence Day? A specific activity to do like stealing candy from strangers on Halloween? Going on a shopping spree like on Black Friday? TELL ME, AMERICA!
Don’t get me wrong, I’m all about holidays. I’m all for skipping work and all for basic barbecues, but I really just want to know exactly what I’m doing and why. Give me an agenda. A purpose. Something.
For this very purposeless purpose, I am declaring Labor Day as the one day where I go through my beauty products, purge the ones I hate, luxuriate in the ones I love and completely stay indoors until someone forces me out. Here’s a list of products I’m really into these days.
Tell me in the comments below what you’re currently OBSESSED WITH!
Triumph and Disaster Rock and Roll Suicide Face Scrub
, $34
There’s a mud scrub from the New Zealand brand, Triumph & Disaster, that’s speaking to me these days. It’s called Rock & Roll Suicide Face Scrub. While I’m not into the name (V morose, no?) it’s really good stuff. Made from kaolin and green clay, volcanic ash, and mineral crystals to scrub away gross things on your face, it’s super soft, has a Earthy fragrance and makes you gleam after use.
The Ordinary Caffeine Solution 5% + EGCG
, $6.70
Puffy eyes and a hallow, dark circles are all too real. To combat this, I’ve been using The Ordinary’s Caffeine Solution 5% EGCG. It’s a very light, coffee-colored serum with a very high concentration of caffeine derived from green tea leaves. Upon using for a week, I noticed my eyes were brighter, more alive, and the dark circle coloration vanished. While not completely, it was still really impressive to see something so affordable work so well. At $6.70, it’s more affordable than a venti latte with espresso at Starbucks – and will last you so, so much longer.
Philips Sonicare Flexcare Platinum, $199.99
Okay, the price is the amount you could buy a Gucci shirt with but if you’re willing to pay, it’s definitely worth it. For a lazy person like me, using this toothbrush has been life changing. You don’t even brush, for starters. You simply glide this toothbrush along your teeth while looking at your phone to see how you’re doing. If you’re brushing too hard, it tells you. If you’re brushing at all, it’ll nudge you to stop. After, the app will provide you with a 3-D rendering of how well you brushed. It may be extra, for sure, but I’ve learned to appreciate this contraption, especially since brushing my teeth is one of my favorite parts of my beauty routine.
, $1
Face masks are now a regular part of my Glow Up routine and these affordable ones from Innisfree mean that I can do them every other day. At $1, these are a true steal, especially since my local K Beauty store usually has a Buy 10 Get 10 sale. I like the ones from Innisfree because they’re not overly annoyingly drippy. Meaning, if you sit still for long enough, you won’t have to worry about serum dripping down your neck into your popcorn. It’s luxury for a buck!
, $4.90
I used this for NYX’s Face Awards this past month and was incredibly pleased with just how light and easy the formula went on. I was looking for a Kpop eye and this was not only blendable, but lasted the entire night. The weightless formula comes in 12 shades for any and every occasion.