Enhance Your Eyelashes With Latisse

When it comes to your health, feeling comfortable and confident on the outside can be just as important as how you feel inside.

And for a lot of people, having short or thin eyelashes can negatively affect their self-confidence. With the right medication, enhancing your eyelashes is possible. Latisse® (bimatoprost) is the only FDA-approved prescription medication on the market that actually works to grow lashes. (Editor’s note: See Important Safety Information about Latisse below.) And now, you don’t need to go to the dermatologist’s office to get a Latisse prescription.

Ro Derm, a digital health clinic from direct-to-patient healthcare company Ro, offers authentic medications, like Latisse—and provides support, care, and education for other health conditions.

Ro Derm makes it simple to connect with a healthcare professional online and receive prescription treatment on your schedule. After completing a free online visit, you can connect with a U.S.-licensed physician or nurse practitioner who will assess whether treatment is appropriate for you.

If appropriate, they’ll prescribe you genuine Latisse delivered to your door with free 2-day shipping. If you have any questions about your treatment, you can message your provider, any time, for free.

No matter where you are on your health journey, Ro Derm is with you every step of the way. To get $11 off your first order of Latisse (if prescribed), check out the Ro Derm website!

Editor’s note: Latisse is an FDA-approved treatment to grow eyelashes for people with inadequate lashes. If you use prescription products for eye pressure problems, or have had eye problems/surgery, consult your doctor before using. Latisse may cause eyelid skin darkening which may be reversible. The active ingredient in Latisse (bimatoprost) has caused darkening of the colored part of the eye (the iris) which is likely permanent. Remove contact lenses before applying Latisse and reinsert 15 minutes after applying. Apply only at the base of upper lashes. Do not apply to the lower lid. Hair may grow outside the treatment area if it comes into contact with Latisse. Common side effects include itchy and red eyes. Lashes gradually return to previous appearance if Latisse is discontinued. Do not use Latisse if you are allergic to one of its ingredients. For more information, see Important Safety Information on this page.

Ready to try Latisse yourself? Check it out on https://derm.ro.co/latisse and for your first order, get $11 of a 3mL bottle or $25 off a 5mL bottle.


This content is sponsored by Ro Derm.


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